If you had hopes of signing up for our October 30 class on making Christmas ornaments, we have to announce that the class is full. The Oct. 30 class is the last class that OPCAAW will be offering in 2022. Our classes will resume in the new year, with the…
Summer Woodturning Classes are Full
We are pleased, but sorry, to announce that all our special summer woodturning classes at the Seventh Day Adventist School are full. We were happy to be able to offer a number of classes during weekdays this summer as the school space is available to us. The response to the…
April 24 Box Making Class is Full
Jimmie Allen’s April 24 class on box making is full and there is a waiting list of four people. We have tentatively scheduled classes on making natural edged bowls for May 29 and long-stemmed goblets for June 26. It is the desire of the club to make you aware of…
April Class Signup Coming Soon
The email blast promoting signups for our April class on Box Making with Jimmie Allen will be coming out soon. If you want the opportunity to participate in a small-group, hands-on box making class with the box making expert, be ready to respond quickly. Our classes have been booking up…
Bowl Turning Classes for March a Success
The club planned to offer a beginning bowl turning class on March 27. When we posted notice of this class, it filled up within 40 minutes. So OPCAAW rented the school for a second Sunday this month, on March 20, and filled the second class from the waiting list of…