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Listing of Classes to be Scheduled

This is a list of classes that we hope to offer through the year

Some classes can not to offered due to time and equipment requirements, such as segmented turning, basket weave enhancement and pyrography to name a few. Please feel free to suggest a class.  Contact:Classes@opcaaw

  1. Tool making (point tool, awl, elf texturing tool)

  2. Coloring (dye and paint)

  3. Goblets

  4. Sphere turning

  5. Bowl turning

  6. Small winged bowls (skilled turners)

  7. Natural edge bowls (skilled turners)

  8. Bottle stopper and mandrel

  9. Hollow forms

  10. Skew and basic tool use

  11. Box making

  12. Ways of holding item on lathe for turning

  13. Tool handles

  14. Small platter or plate (may include coloring rim)

  15. Xmas ornaments (sphere, bird house and snowmen)

  16. Thread chasing for wood

  17. Children's toys

  18. Finials

  19. Lidded Bowls

  20. Scoops

  21. Eggs

  22. Green wood bowls (turned thin) (skilled turners)

  23. Pen Turning

Contact OPCAAW

P.O. Box 623, Silverdale, WA. 98383