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February, 2025

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Brad will teach the basics of bowl turning at the West Side Improvement Club, Bremerton WA, starting 9 am and ending 4 pm, with an hour for lunch. Bring lunch, as there really isn‘t anywhere close enough to conveniently pick up a meal in a timely manner.
The cost is $50 for members ($80 for non-members), which includes materials. Time permitting, you will be able to make two bowls to take home with you. Any questions? Feel free to email George or Brad  .
Enrollment is "first come, first served," and there are 6 student slots available. If you try to sign up and the class is full, please sign up anyway. That way we can contact you if there is a dropout, or, if we generate enough interest, we can schedule an additional class session.
Nonmembers may go to New Member Signup and join, pay dues and then register for class as member. This will enter you in database and if you take a class again it will let you register as a member.
Setup time is 8am and show up early if possible, to help.
Non Members please read "Class Registration" under Class info page on menu

Contact OPCAAW

P.O. Box 623, Silverdale, WA. 98383