The Board of OPCAAW has received a proposed slate of officers for 2023 from our Nominating Committee. The slate is as follows: For President: Tim Larson For Vice President for Training and Education: Roger Dunn For Vice President for Membership: Brad Powers For Vice President for Public Relations: Dan Holderman…
Current Membership Reaches 142
OPCAAW now has 142 members. Thank you for your participation in the organization and be sure to let us know if there are services that you are seeking that we are not providing. To our knowledge, this is the largest membership total the Olympic Peninsula Woodturners has ever had.
Thanks to Cecilia Williams
Cecilia Williams, our Vice President for Membership, has resigned her position as she prepares to move to a home in the Atlanta area. When Cecilia took over as our Membership VP our records were not in the best shape. We had several membership lists that conflicted with each other and…
OPCAAW Budget Set for 2022
The Board has approved the 2022 budget, which serves as an estimate of our income for the year and identifies our spending priorities. If you are interested in seeing where we expect our money to come from and how we intend to spend it, you can see the budget here.…
We’re Invited; Should We Participate?
OPCAAW has been invited by the Kitsap Woodcarvers to participate in their annual show on June 11 and 12. Our Board would like your thoughts on whether we should. Because of COVID, the Kitsap Woodcarvers have been inactive for two years, and as a result, they have lost members and…